Metal Trays to Custom Displays Tutorial August 30 2016
In the last post, I transformed some blue metal trays into white metal trays. In this post, I’m going to transform these same trays into display stands using twist ties, wire baskets and easels. Here’s how:
What you’ll need:
* Trays
* Measuring Tape
* Chalk
* Painter’s Tape
* Drill & Drill Bits
* Wire Baskets
* Twist ties
* Level (optional)
* Easels
First, I figured out the spacing of my baskets. Once that was settled, I marked the hole placement with chalk. At this point, I used a laser level to make sure my lines were straight. On the front of the tray, I placed my painter’s tape on the opposite side of my chalk marks. (This keeps the paint from chipping. Actually, I should have painted the trays after the drilling process, but I discovered that detail a little too late. Oh, well.). Then, drill into the chalk marks and through the tray. This tray will now be used as my template for the remaining trays.
Next, I laid the template on top of the next tray, marked my holes and repeated the painter’s tape and drilling process.
After removing the tape, I threaded the twist ties around the wire baskets and through to the back of the trays.
Once that was complete, I placed the tray inside the easel.
Finished! A customized display stand that can disassemble for travel or storage.
So here are the numbers:
The metal trays were purchased at a large box retail store on clearance for $5.00 each.
$5.00 x 4 = $20.00 (plus the cost of spray paint comes out to about $7.89 each)
The easels were purchased at a craft store on clearance for $3.99 each.
$3.99 x 4 =$15.96 - $3.86 (additional discount at the register) = $12.10 (or 3.02 each)
The wire baskets were purchased at the $1.00 store.
$1.00 x 12 = $12.00
The twist ties were free as I had some laying around the house.
So that’s about $13.91 per stand. Not too shabby!
I love the way this project turned out. It makes a huge difference having a white background to feature my cases. Also, it just feels a little more tidy to have everything contained in its own basket. It took some elbow grease, but the result was well worth it.